Thursday, 5 April 2012

Non-Cylindrical Bottle

The non-cylindrical bottle was a tougher exercise as I haven’t use the spline before. Getting the shape of the bottle was difficult, I came across many issues as I had placed too many points in the spline and the loft wasn’t working; I had to edit both of the sketches and re-draw the splines which fixed the problem. After I had modeled the bottle, I had used the cut tool to get the lid separate from the body. Modeling the lid was difficult as there were many parts; overall the lid was the hardest and the longest part to model.

Once I had inserted the part into an assembly and started modeling the pop out lid. Solidworks decided to work against me and it had rolled back the part due to some coincident joins. However with the help of Dan, I managed to get the document back to the original save. I’m still yet to model the lid of the bottle with the top open, and closed.

Mating the bottle was a difficult exercise as I couldn’t mate any of the parts together. With Dan’s help he taught me that planes from the part could be mated, which worked out perfectly and the part was mated in no time. Once I had all the parts of the bottle in the assembly (the main bottle, open lid, and closed lid) I added the configurations into the assembly which I hadn’t done before, however once I learned how to do it. They are quite easy.

The final result:

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