So the past few days have been very eventful in the world of CADD. With all the errors that were happening with the split part, Dan managed to save my model and I didn’t have to start again which was a huge relief. After I managed to split all the parts I inserted the model into an assembly, which snapped together due to the master part; and i inserted all the bits into the model (the Scroll wheel, Reflector and the circuit board (and they all fit nicely).
Getting all the extrudes on the bottom housing and the mouse button cover were simple thanks to the assembly, however they were very tedious to get them to all fit nicely. However i did have a problem; the shell feature wasn’t working on the middle housing due to a minimal radius, or something. I tried every way I know how to solve it, and most of them didn’t look that pretty so I ended up having to shell it at 0.010mm and thicken it to 1mm which worked after playing around with the part for two hours or so. The process of doing all the bits in the middle housing part took quite a long time to get right but once I finished it, it seemed to fit together pretty well.
The last thing i modelled was the USB cable, which was quite easy just a few splines, with a surface sweep and extrudes and just sat it on the exterior of the mouse. I couldn’t find the toolbox on my computer i don’t think solid works installed completely on here; which was annoying as i would have liked to get the right screw in the back seeing it lined up pretty much perfectly.
Finally was the rendering and the advert they took some time to get right. I chose pretty simple colours and camera angles. I changed the lights in solid works to just one major spot light just to see how the renderings will turn out with it; and my advert was pretty simple, i didn’t want to do anything to wild seeing that’s how Microsoft does its advertisements.
Edit: I Changed the Setting as the one light didnt seem to work, insted I just used a studio room with fill lights.
Final Rendering / Product: